- Restlessness [1998]
- Places Far From Ellesmere [1990]
- No Fixed Address: An Amorous Journey [1986]
- The Tent Peg [1981]
- Judith [1978]

- A Frozen Tongue [1992]
- In Visible Ink: crypto frictions [1991]

prose poetry

- The Age of Audacity: 50 Years of Ambition and Adventure at Calgary’s Own University [2016]
- Audacious and Adamant: The Story of Maverick Alberta [2007]
- Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta [2001]

- Prairie Gothic (with George Webber) [2013]
- In This Place: Calgary 2004-2011 (with George Webber) [2011]

as editor
- Carol Shields: Evocation and Echo (with Conny Steenman-Marcusse) [2009]
- Building Liberty: Canada and World Peace, 1945-2005 (with Conny Steenman-Marcusse) [2005]
- Due West: 30 Stories from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba (with Wayne Tefs and Geoffrey Ursell) [1996]
- Boundless Alberta [1993]
- Alberta Re/bound [1990]
- West of Fiction (with Leah Fowler and Ruby Wiebe) [1983]
- More Stories from Western Canada (with Rudy Wiebe) [1980]